Ayurvedic Medical College

Samhita & Siddhant Department

Samhita & Siddhant Department

The branch of Ayurveda Samhita & Siddhant is one of the preclinical divisions of Ayurveda and is prominently known as the division of Essential Standards. The division participated in conveying essential standards of Ayurveda as well as measurements. This division engages the study of Ayurved in a primary way which will empower the understudies in grasping the Ayurvedic traditional Samhitas in the best way. The consecrated sacred texts of Ayurveda composed by our extraordinary sages including Sushruta, Charaka, and Vagbhata exist in Sanskrit, the language of Divine beings. The clinical wording and ideas of Ayurveda are profoundly implanted in Sanskrit.

Sanskrit stanzas referenced in old Ayurveda sacred writings convey further information on ideas, standards and practices. To get the most profound information and astuteness held in the Sanskrit shlokas and sutras, an Ayurveda understudy should know about this heavenly language. Padarth Vigyan is a key course to figuring out the key standards of Ayurveda. It is the science which truly assists understudies with understanding essential standards of Ayurveda in a lot further and more extensive manner. History of Ayurveda empowers the understudies to figure out the advancement in Ayurveda during the pre-Vedic, Vedic, middle-age periods and ongoing turns of events. The great history of Ayurveda with moderate advancement in different parts of Ayurveda is all around made sense of in this subject. Famous Samhitas like Charak and Ashtanga Hridayam are additionally considered and shown in this office. Charak Samhita is an extremely renowned book written in the Sanskrit language. In Charak Samhita food, cleanliness, the anticipation of illness, clinical schooling and definite clarification about patients are made sense. Charak Samhita is renowned for “medication” and is the most alluded text by understudies, doctors and analysts. It additionally genuinely manages the idea of solid maturing and life span as portrayed in Swastha Chatushka and Rasayana Parts. The Ashtanga Hridayam, the “Heart or embodiment of the multitude of 8 parts of Ayurveda” is one of the essential old root messages of Ayurveda.